Absence Due To Illness Or Accident

In this post, we will tell you what to do with sickness and accident absences. For the employee as for the employer, it is important to know them if one of the cases arises.

Absence for physical or psychological illness

There are symptoms that allow us to continue working, but sometimes this is not possible.

  • The absence, generally lasting between 2 and 10 days except in more serious cases, must be justified by a medical certificate.
  • The employer must be notified within 48 hours of this absence, as well as of its extension. Types 1 and 2 of the judgment should be forwarded to the Health Insurance Fund, the 3 rd to the employer. It is necessary to repeat the operation in the event of prolongation.
  • If incapacity has been noted or if absences are numerous and frequent, dismissal may be authorized.

Absence due to occupational disease

This is an absence due to illness linked to difficult working conditions (prolonged efforts, stress, etc.).

  • A request for reimbursement from the health insurance fund must be made within 15 days of stopping work. It must include the “Declaration of occupational disease” form completed and signed (given by the doctor or to be downloaded from ameli.fr) and parts 1 and 2 of the medical certificate. The 3 rd is to keep in case of work stoppage and the 4 th is to be forwarded to the employer.
  • Then, a salary certificate issued by the company must be given to the fund, in order to calculate the daily allowances.
  • In the event of repeated absences and incapacity, the employer may proceed with reclassification or dismissal.

Absence for work and travel accidents

The work accident occurs in the course of professional activity. A commuting accident represents an accident that occurs during the return journey to the place of work and home or the place of work and the usual place of catering.

  • The employer cannot proceed with a dismissal if the accident renders the employee unfit or if there is no reclassification possible
  • In order to avoid any accident, preventive safety measures must be put in place and any risks must be communicated to employees.
  • The employee has 24 hours to notify the company, indicating the location, the circumstances of the accident and the identity of any witnesses. He will have to consult a doctor who will produce a medical certificate. The first two are the certificate for the Health Insurance Fund, the 3 rd to keep the 4 th to the employer. Extension certificates are to be produced if necessary. When the injury is treated, a medical certificate describing the possible sequelae is drawn up.

The employer declares the accident to Social Security within 48 hours. He sends the employee an accident sheet valid until the end of treatment and ensuring free treatment.